Hello Hayden Podcast

Although I've been intensely passionate about my goals of someday becoming a broadcast journalist ever since I was in highschool, I can't deny that one of journalism's strengths is that it comes in many forms. Despite how much I love working with video, I'm not one to turn down an opportunity to explore other avenues of media! 

I've teamed up with one of the residents at Hayden Hall, where I am a Resident Assistant, to create a weekly podcast that benefits the dorm. I love that I have the opportunity to speak on topics that I'm passionate about, like feminism, diversity, and social justice in a fun and engaging way, using real world events as a platform to start important conversations. I've always been interested in Entertainment journalism, and now it's easier than ever to combine that with my interest in activism with movements like #FreeKe$ha and #OscarsSoWhite. 

My co-host is a first year named Goodness Osih. He's a first year in the Stern School of Business. He's so bright, and we balance each other out well. We have two episodes out so far, all on our soundcloud and we're releasing one every Tuesday. I'm excited to see where this goes, and what I can do with this. 

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